12.02.2016 um 18:0023:00
BENGALURU UPDATE. An Arrival City Story

BENGALURU UPDATE. An Arrival City Story
12. Februar im CLB Berlin, 18.00 Uhr
Bengaluru – the capital of Karnataka – is globally known as the Indian Silicon Valley. Less obvious and less know is the process of transformation set in motion by migration. Within the last years the transformation of the urban fabric was massive and created a new picture of Bengaluru – a city that only a few years ago was everyone’s romantic idea of a garden city and the city of visionary landscape architects and planners like Gustav Krumbiegel and Otto Koenigsberger. The evening will visually highlight and debate exemplary on Bengaluru »What does an Indian city mean?« and the crux of urban planning in India. The talk will be followed by a discussion with the architect and urban planner Naresh V Narasimhan (MOD Institute/Venkataramanan Associates).
The evening is curated by Tile von Damm, Anne K. Fenk (MOD Institute) and Rachel Lee (Habitat Unit, TU Berlin) and is part of the series of events A106. Utopie & Planung at CLB Berlin, curated by Sally Below.
Aufbau Haus am Moritzplatz
10969 Deutschland