11.07. – 23.08.2020

In a Forest of Letters

Di.-Sa. 14.00 bis 18.30 Uhr

In Zeiten außerordentlicher Belastungen, medizinischer Notstände und politischer Unsicherheiten wird der Wunsch nach Rast und Ruhe stark. Der Forest of Letters im CLB bietet eine Arena für diese Wünsche und Sehnsüchte. Der Forest ist eine Gelegenheit für eine spürsinnige Begegnung in Stille.

In times of intense pressure, of medical emergencies and political insecurities, desires to stop and to rest become strong. Desires that coalesce with the wish to listen, to sense, to articulate tentatively, to engage in a brief yet meaningful conversation. The Forest of Letters provides an arena for these desires and wishes to be fulfilled. The Forest offers an occasion for a sensible encounter in quietude.


Sensible Letters: In the artificial forest 20 separate loving confessions to the senses, sounds, and to sensibilities will be hidden on separate cards. Each visitor is encouraged to write down her or his own recent sentiments towards the enveloping structures, generative forces, and nurturing sources in and around their home.

Sonic Talks: Three artists and researchers contemplate together with Holger Schulze about their recent life with sounds and the senses: how did their sensologies transform in recent weeks and months? How do they percieve the policies and governing principles regarding the senses being put in place in urban and rural areas in the last years or decades? Conversation partners: katrinem, walking artist & researcher, Christiane Frohmann, thinker & head of a publishing house, and Katja Kullmann, writer & essayist (13.-15.07.20).

Silence Meal: Nina Backman invites guests to a Silent Meal since 2013. In removing the ingredient of the spoken word, guests are left free to explore a myriad of sensory experiences that can be both physical, emotional, spiritual or cultural in nature. This Silent Meal will be a radically particular one: on the one side the meal will be taking place under contact restrictions necessary in these months – and on the other hand the meal is embedded into the larger framework of In a Forest of Letters (18.07.20).

1:1 Concerts: A 1:1 CONCERT features a 10 min. non-verbal 1-to-1-encounter between a listener and a musician. The opening eye contact and ensuing mutual gaze is the impulse for a very personal concert where both sides experience an unprecedented intensity allowing proximity from a distance.

In a Forest of Letters is an initiative of Holger Schulze (Sound Studies Lab) and the artist Nina Backman (Silence Project) in collaboration with Sven Sappelt & Blanca Gonzalez Galan (CLB Berlin).
Sound Installation by Sam Auinger.
1:1 CONCERTS in collaboration with www.1to1concerts.de

With the kind support of

Blu Blumen


for the Kiri Trees


Baumschule Bruns

for all the other plants.

About the Kiri Tree
The Kiri is considered to be the fastest growing tree in the world. With the right conditions, it will grow over 5 metres in one year and produce as much wood by volume as an Oak tree in a tenth of the time. Kiri trees absorb up to 40 tons of CO2 per hectare annually.

All plants can be bought until the end of the exhibition. With every purchase, you support the cultural projects and public programmes of CLB Berlin.


11.07. – 23.08.2020


CLB Berlin
Aufbau Haus am Moritzplatz
10969 Deutschland