24. – 29.05.2022
Open Space for Ukrainian Art & Culture

Anlässlich der aktuellen Ereignisse laden wir für eine Woche zu verschiedenen Veranstaltungen und Netzwerktreffen mit ukrainischen Künstler*innen und Kulturschaffenden in Berlin ein.
Das CLB ist hierfür vom 24.05. bis 29.05.22 täglich von 15.00 bis 20.00 Uhr geöffnet.
No Words for War. We are Ukraïna.
Sechs kriegsvertriebene ukrainische Künstlerinnen stellen ihre Portäts aus, die als Ergebnis des Künstleraufenthalts „Art is Urgent“ entstanden sind – einem „Emergency residency program for Ukrainian artists and families from the war zone.“
Künstlerinnen des Programms: Elina Bilous, Iryna Daragan-Bogodist, Lidiia Moroz, Natalie Golubenko, Svitlana Galdetska, Vladyslava Kriuk, Samantha Domingo.
Eingeladene Künstler*innen: Julia Kafizova, Andriy Kobrin, Eugenia Kriuk, Nobutaka Shomura.
Artist-researcher in residency: Samantha Justine Domingo.
Kuratorin Marcela Villanueva, Karne Kunst.
Di 24.05., 18.00
18.30 Welcome and artist talk
19.30 Live Music by Nobutaka Shomura
Mi 25.05., 17.00-18.30
„Emergency Artistic Residency as an Arrival Infrastructure for War-torn Ukrainian Artists“.
Presentation of opportunities for international mobilities in residency programs by Touring Artists and talk with Samantha Domingo, artist and researcher in residence (ICP Masters in Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies).
Mi.25.05., 19.00-20.00
„Focus on Photography.“ Talk with Valeriia Buchuk, Julia Kafizova, Volker Kreidler.
Do 26.05., 17.00-18.30
„Intro to Cultural funding in Berlin.“
Are you a newcomer artist in Berlin? Do you want to explore the fantastic world of Cultural funding in Berlin? We invite you to participate in this talk for new artists in Berlin by LakBerlin. After the talk, you can mingle with other artists to share your art and knowledge in the networking session. Bring your visit card or catalog, and enjoy! LakBerlin is an initiative that facilitates the dissemination of information for funding about art and culture for newcomers to Berlin.
Fr 27.05., 19.00-22.00
19.00 „Dialogue through Art” mit BERLIN AC – Berlin Artists Connected
Introduction by Benno Hinkes, reading by Marwa Younes Almokbel, performance by Iman Hasbani & Jörgen Erkius.
20.00 „Culture & Crises“, Open Talk mit Anastasia Yurchenko, Claudia Tribin, Marcela Villanueva, Benno Hinkes, Sven Sappelt, ed al.
20.45 Live Music by Moe Nagasi
organized by Myopia Studios and Nadryv Records
So 29.05., 17.00
Aufbau Haus am Moritzplatz
10969 Deutschland