CLB Berlin sees itself as a place of open encounter and interdisciplinary collaboration.
The non-profit association CLB Berlin Circle e.V. supports the strategic development.
Sven Sappelt is the founder and director of CLB Berlin. After founding the C60/Collaboratorium for Cultural Practice at Ruhr-Universität Bochum in 2012, he initiated CLB Berlin in 2015. Sven studied cultural studies and aesthetic practice at the University of Hildesheim and received his PhD in philosophy. Since 1999, he has worked as a curator, cultural manager and cultural scientist for international art and cultural institutions such as Künstlerhaus Wien, Wiener Festwochen, Museum Arbeitswelt Steyr, Villa Massimo Rome, Kulturkreis der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Humboldt Forum Berlin, 100 Jahre bauhaus. He pursued his cultural studies interests in research and teaching as a member of the Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Integration” at the University of Konstanz (2007-2012) and the Cluster of Excellence “Image-Knowledge-Design” at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2015-2016), among others. From 2020 until 2021 he has held the professorship for Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship at TH OWL.
Sally Below (Co-Founder 2015-2020) is an urbanist, curator, and communications expert. With CLB Berlin, she has fulfilled her wish of having an independent space to address urban and other relevant issues. She serves as a consultant to cities, institutions, and ministries throughout Germany and has co-initiated numerous projects on urban affairs and culture.
Martin Liebscher (co-initiator 2015-2018) is professor of photography at the HfG Offenbach. After his “Satellite” had to move from the Hamburger Bahnhof site, the CLB served as a new base. With the opening of a new exhibition space at the university in Offenbach in 2018, the Berlin Satellite unfortunately had to be saved.
Blanca González Galán B.A. is an art historian and cultural manager. Internationally mobile, she studied in Madrid, at the Sorbonne and at Harvard. She has worked in established art institutions in Spain such as the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, the contemporary art fair ARCO Madrid and the Real Fábrica de Tapices Foundation. In the Cultural Department of the Spanish Embassy in Beijing, she planned a dynamic cultural programme, organised a variety of cultural events and took her first steps in the field of cultural diplomacy. She is interested in exhibition practices, cultural policy and research in intercultural contexts. At CLB Berlin, she ensures the perfect organisation of the projects.
Yuye Yang is a cultural manager, composer and pianist. Having grown up in China, she discovered the piano at an early age and studied composition in Beijing. As a DAAD scholarship holder, she came to Lübeck to study for her Master’s degree, where she also worked as a pianist with her Ensemble for New Music and as a répétiteur. Her professional career then took her to the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the Pierre Boulez Saal in Berlin and the Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. She is enthusiastic about creative work and artistic interdisciplinarity, which she shapes at the CLB as project manager.
Thanks to many years of experience and work in various contexts, CLB enjoys an international network from the fields of architecture and urban development, cultural research and teaching, museums and the arts, design theory and practice, and not least cultural policy. CLB partners present and past include:
Cooperation partners, independent initiatives, and cultural organizations:
Actors of Urban Change / ARTPORT_making waves / Auswärtiges Amt / Bauwelt / BMI / Bio-Mimicry-Institute / Botschaft der Republik Italien / cafébabel / CityLab Berlin / CyberRäuber / DAAD / Deutschland – Land der Ideen / DRA / Earnest & Algernon / enorm Magazin / Europäischer Monat der Photographie EMOP / Europan / European Democracy Lab / Exile e.V. / Goethe-Institut / Institute for Cultural Governance / Italienisches Kulturinstitut Berlin / Jitter’s Wunderblock / Junge Akademie der Akademie der Künste Berlin / Kulturprojekte Berlin / LABA Laboratory for Jewish Culture / Landesverband freier Theater LAFT / Literarisches Colloquium Berlin e.V. / MakeCity Berlin / MitOst e.V. / Museum Europäischer Kulturen SPK / Neues Institut für Dramatisches Schreiben (NIDS) / MitOst e.V. / Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin / Performing Arts Festival / pilote / Polis180 / Punk Is Dada / Raf Projects / Stadtmuseum Berlin / The Centre of The Unfinished / The Independent Photographer / Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Berlin / sculpture network / Sound Studies Lab Berlin / Stadtentwicklungsamt Berlin Mitte / Theater im Aufbau Haus / tinybe sculpture village / urbanophil e.V
Universities and research institutions:
Academy of Art and Design Basel / Bauhaus Universität Weimar / Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung / Design Akademie Berlin / FH Burgenland / Fraunhofer-Forum Berlin / Fraunhofer-Netzwerk »Wissenschaft, Kunst und Design« / Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach / HMKW Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Norwich University of the Arts / TH OWL / TU Berlin / TU Braunschweig / Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin / Universität der Künste Berlin / Universität Kassel
Artists and others engaged in the cultural sector:
Giacomo F. Albano / Sarah Alexander / Tatsuru Arai / Sam Auinger / Blaffert&Wamhof / Wibke Behrens / Stefano Boeri Architetti / Betty Böhm / Gernot Böhme / Friedrich von Borries / David Brandstätter / Klaus Theo Brenner / Desmond Brett / Paul Brody / Meriam Bousselmi / Stefanie Bürckle / Stefano Cagol / Peter Cusack / Ursula Damm / Miklós Déri / Ivonne Dippmann / Corinne Diserens / Doris Dziersk / Simon Faithfull / Wang Fang / Wolfgang Galler / Kathrin Ganser / Iuliana-Elena Gavril / Felix Gerloff / Uwe Gössel / Lisa Gordon / Ephraim Gothe / Ulrike Guérot / Katrin Emler / Maren Hartmann / Jens Hausmann / Dimitri Hegemann / Benno Hinkes / Ralf Hoyer / Daisuke Ishida / Susanne Jaschko / Johanna Just / Julian Kamphausen / Marcel Karnapke / Katrinem / Stephanie Kloss / Andreas Knie / Chris Kondek / Volker Kreidler / Christiane Kühl / Olaf Kühnemann / Alireza Labeshka / Sarah Lappin / Björn Lengers / Yun-Chu Liang / Martin Liebscher / Lukas Liese / Anne-Marie Melster / Wolfgang Menardi / Robert Menasse / Elizabeth McTernan / Julia Moritz / Udo Noll / Dietmar Offenhuber / Mark Polscher / Niklas Middleton / Maxi Obexer / Ulrike Ottinger / Juhani Pallasmaa / Peter Payer / Neil Powell / Nika Radic / Penny Rafferty / Lisa Rave / Teresa Reuter / Alexander Römer / Ursula Rogg / Eike Roswag-Klinge / Doris Rothauer / Carl Rowe / Daniel Salomon / Saskia Sassen / Roland Schappert / Martin Schepers / Georg Schöllhammer / Birgit Schneider / Anne Schreiber / Theresa Schubert / Holger Schulze / Max Schwitalla / Yael Sherill / Martin Schwegmann / Georg Spehr / Peca Stefan / Hannes Strobl / Martin Supper / Birgit Szepanski / Hadas Tapouchi / Elisabeth Tietmeyer / Kai Vöckler / Regina Weiss / Beate Witzel / Monique Wysterski / Sabe Wunsch / Sabine Zahn / Florian Zwißler / tbc
Bildungswerk der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung / Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung / innogy Stiftung / Open Society Foundations Berlin / Robert Bosch Stiftung / Stiftung Zukunft Berlin / Technologie Stiftung