15.12.2021 um 18:30

Katrinem | Broomballet

During the lockdown from November 2020 to March 2021, the CLB formed as basis for berlinlokalzeit.de – an artistic-scientific project on the phenomenology of the pandemic.

As no visitors were allowed, we used the gallery space as a laboratory for various works, which we communicated via stream or QR codes. Among other things, the first experiments and streamed live performances with microphoned broom instruments started there and in the courtyard. Many of the “broom play experiments” that took place there later found their way into the various performances of the BroomBallet (Humbold Forum, Braunschweig, etc.).

On Wednesday evening, 15 December 2021 from 6 pm, we want to sweep out this pandemic-related difficult year together with a BesenBallett in the courtyard of the Aufbau Haus (please dress warmly).

The BesenBallett is designed as a social sculpture. As such, it creates new dialogues with its urban everyday spaces for both performers and listeners in a shared experience.

The brooms used in everyday life have different forms and materials as well as different purposes. Each “broom type” has its own sound and manageability. In the BesenBallett they become instruments with their own sound language and playing technique. The respective places of action – where sweeping takes place – emphasise and reinforce the sweeping sounds taking place in them through their architectural form and underground. Different ensemble sizes and scores take into account the richness of variations in the locations. In the process, the urban space is experienced actionistically and aurally – as a dynamic space.

The exploration of sound and space has been an integral part of katrinem’s artistic work for many years.

The usual hygiene rules for outdoor space (3G) apply at this time.




CLB Berlin
Aufbau Haus am Moritzplatz
10969 Deutschland
