03. – 05.06.2022
CLB Sound lab | Edge and Center
katrinem , Udo Noll, Peter Cusack, and Sam Auinger have been working together for a long time on various projects. They form the core group of the CLB’s Sound Lab.
Their work and artistic research focus on the concretely experienced public, mostly urban space. Their primary approach is an auditory one with a consistently interdisciplinary follow-up.
The Lab’s first public performance is themed Edge and Center.
Friday, June 3
20:00 Presentation of the CLB Soundlab
21:00 Radio Earth Livestream from Buch
Saturday, June 4
11:00 am katrinemn sound walk, meeting point CLB
19:00 Udo Noll, sound walk Buch, meeting point S-Bahn station Buch
Sunday, June 5
11:00 Sam Auinger, sound walk Engelbecken, meeting point CLB
17:00 Peter Cusack, sound walk Hinterhöfe, meeting point CLB
We would be grateful for an informal registration by email: kontakt@clb-berlin.de
On Friday 3 June from 8pm there will be a short introduction to the Lab and around 9pm a shared and annotated listening session will start.
Two years ago, Udo Noll, founder and developer of the field recording platform radio aporee, initiated radio.earth, a participatory sound art project that deals with the ecological crisis and its perception. By listening to places of varying intensity of use and degradation, from natural spaces to agricultural, urban and industrial zones, knowledge and sensibility expand and intertwine into a perceptive ability that can make data and facts accessible to sensual cognition. These live listening sessions from selected locations are transmitted via the internet using mobile streaming boxes (called mobilemics). The broadcast are announced, commented on and reflected upon critcally in the radio.earth Telegram chat group.
For some years now, Udo Noll has been exploring the urban periphery around Berlin Buch, an area where the tension between natural environments and the expanding big city is evident. He will place one of the mobilemics there, which will transmit live to the CLB Gallery from about 21:00. A terminal will make it possible to connect with listeners taking part in the listening session via chat.
On Saturday, 4 June, there will be the opportunity to experience the place together on a sound walk in this urban fringe location. Meeting point is at 19:00 at the S-Bahn station Berlin Buch.
As part of the berlin_lokal_zeit project, katrinem, Peter Cusack and Sam Auinger have developed various sound walks for the urban space around the CLB. These sound walks will be offered again on 4 and 5 June.